The Park Plaza Histria
Hotel has been renovated in accordance with high standards of safety and equipped with modern devices for prevention, detection, and extinguishing fire. Fire extinguishers are regularly controlled, so please be careful in order to prevent fire. Familiarize yourself with the routes and exits in case of evacuation. The evacuation plan is placed on the inside of your room's entrance door. With responsible behavior, you are contributing to your own safety as well as the safety of other guests and staff.
In case of fire and smoke in the room:
Call the operator (dial 9) and state your room number. Describe exactly what is going on. If the room is filled with smoke, cover your mouth, nose, and eyes with a damp handkerchief or towel. Leave the room and close the door behind you. Follow the green signs in the hallways and turn on the fire alarm if possible. Do not use elevators because they are out of use in cases of emergency. Use the stairs as marked on the evacuation plan.
Fire Alarm:
If the doors are not hot, open them with caution. Leave the room and head for the nearest evacuation exit. Bring your room key with you so you can return to your room if your evacuation route is intersected. If the hallway is filled with smoke, cover your mouth, nose, and eyes with a damp handkerchief or towel. During the escape in smoky hallways, bend down on your knees because the smoke is thinner on the ground. Follow the clearly marked green signs in hallways. Do not use elevators because they are out of use in cases of emergency. Use the stairs as marked on the evacuation plan.
Remaining in your room:
If the doors are hot, do not open them. Put damp towels, bed linen, or clothes around doors and vents so that the smoke and toxic gases would not enter the room. Call the operator (dial 9) and tell them where you are. Stay next to the window so that you would be seen from the outside. Wait for the fire brigade.
Preventing the fire:
Do not smoke in the room. Do not empty your ashtray in the dust bin. Do not leave electrical appliances switched on, candles lit, or similar unattended.